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Redgums & Willow : History and Recollections of Cricket in Mooroopna
Author: Barker, Robert & Leon Heath 1988 Mooroopna Cricket Club Inc.
Rees Howells Intercessor
Author: Grubb, Norman P. 1954 Lutterworth Press
Reflections, 20 years 1984 - 2004 : Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre Melbourne.
Author: Marks, Stan (ed.) 2004 Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre
Regional Matters: An Atlas of Regional Victoria 2005
Author: 2005 The State of Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment
Regional Planning: a Systems Approach
Author: Hilhorst, Jos G.M. 1971 Rotterdam University Press
Register of Australian Herbage Plant Cultivars
Author: Barnard, C. (compiler) 1972 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia, Division of Plant Industry
Register of Australian Herbage Plant Cultivars Third edition.
Author: Oram, R.N. (compiler) 1990 CSIRO
Register of Historic Buildings Current as at 30th September 1985
Author: Historic Buildings Council Victoria Historic Buildings Council Victoria
Regulations Relating to the Examination of Engineers in the Mercantile Marine. Exn1a. Issued By the Board of Trade. NOTE.- This Edition is a Reprint of the 1911 Edition with Alterations
Author: 1916 His Majesty's Stationery Office
Reinis Zusters
Author: Zusters, Reinis; Lloyd Rees introduction 1971 Collins
Reisen in Indien und Hochasien. Eine Darstellung der Landschaft, der Cultur und Sitten der Bewohner, in Verbindung mit klimatischen und geologischen Verhältnissen. Basirt auf die Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Mission von Hermann, Adolph und Robert von
Author: Schlagintweit-Sakünlünski, Hermann Von 1869 Hermann Costenoble
Relazione storica, politica, geografica, legislativa, scientifica, letteraria, &c. della Pollonia antica e moderna. Prima Traduzione Italiana. Tomo I & II
Author: Chodzko, Lionardo 1831 Tipografia di G.P. Poizzolini
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