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The Ethel Cotton Course in Conversation. 12 booklets

Dudley, G.A. (B.A. Director of Studies)
The 12 booklets are made up of individual lessons such as Guiding Conversation; Getting Acquainted; Brief Conversations; Long Conversations. Includes 5 worksheets and promotional material, but is missing the slipcase. First published in the US in 1927 and in Great Britain in 1951. There are no other publication dates apart from the 1951 copyright statement. The perfect present for the computer/smart phone/ addict
Published Conversation Studies Conducted By Psychology Publishing Marple, Cheshire


Condition Jacket Condition Binding Size
Near Fine N/A Stapled Card Wraps 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall
Good Reading Book Reference: 15349
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