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A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change Author: Gardiner, Stephen M. 2011 Oxford University Press |
A Pictorial History of Strahan: A Chronicle of the people and events that led to the settlement of Strahan, and the changes to the little port that was once the busiest in Tasmania Author: Kok, Arjan 1999 Hindsight |
A Picture History of the Brooklyn Bridge with 167 Prints and Photographs Author: Shapiro, Mary J. 1983 Dover Publications |
A Place Apart. The University of Melbourne: Decades of Challenge Author: Poynter, John and Carolyn Rasmussen 1996 Melbourne University Press |
A Place in Space : Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds Author: Snyder, Gary 1995 Counterpoint |
A Place to Remember: a History of the Shrine of Remembrance Author: Scates, Bruce 2009 Cambridge University Press |
A Plague of Rats and Rubber Vines. The Growing Threat of Species Invasion Author: Baskin, Yvonne 2002 Island Press / Shearwater Books |
A Pogo's Perspective: A Non-Combatant Soldier's Viet Nam Experience, Its Affect & Aftermath Author: Smith, Greg 2007 Temple House |
A Poison in the Bloodstream Author: Consedine, Jim 1990 Cape Catley |
A Port Fairy Childhood 1849/60 : The Memoirs of Margaret Emily Brown (Youngman) Author: Brown, Margaret Emily (Foreword by Dr. Jan Critchett; edited by Mary Griffith) 1990 Port Fairy Historical Society |
A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling: Using R as a Simulation Platform Author: Soetaert, Karline and Peter M. J. Herman 2009 Springer Science + Business Media B.V. |